On all days, morning assembly is conducted by students from each optional subjects. One every Tuesday, Mass Drill is also practiced.
Eminent personalities in the field of education handled with classes on various subjects. Workshops and seminars were also conducted.
There are various clubs in the college. They are Science Club, Nature Club, and Mathematics Club. Literary Club, Arts Club, Sports Club etc. They organize programs such as debates quiz competitions celebration of national and international days, exhibitions, field trips etc.
College conducted various programs related to counselling and guidance. Awareness Programs related to mental health, family problems etc. handled by eminent psychologists, doctors etc.
The students are participate in various literary and arts competitions.
Long and short tours, Field trips are conducted every year.
The college magazine is published every year. It reflect the creative talents of students and teachers of the college.
It is held every year on the college ground. Students participate in the March Past and different events.
Extension activity, Hospital visit, Old age Home visit, Orphanage visit, cleaning public places, distribution of clothes and food to poor people, conscientize the people about various diseases etc
Socially Useful and Productive Work include one service (Participation in social activities, social services, and social projects, social works etc.) and one product (book binding, soap making, candle making, embroidery, film making, improvisation etc.). It develop social sensitivity, sensitize with dignity of labour etc.
It involves visualization and writing of scripts, direction, assigning and engaging roles, enacting of drama, making arrangements individually and with group assistance.
Five day residential community living camp/citizenship training camp organized in a convenient location. Programs for camp are visit to social institutions to study tier functioning, undertaking duties in the camp including preparation of food, attending classes/seminars/yoga etc., mock parliament activities etc.
College Development Committee members (10) are selected every years. The committee consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Auditor and Executive Members.
The students' council selected every year. It consists of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, General Secretary, Arts Club Secretary, Magazine Editor, Sports Club Secretary and Class Representatives. All the activities of the college conducted with joint effort of students' council, staff council and College Development Committee.
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